Home > Connector Plus

Connector Plus

The Connector Plus events (previously known as Strategic Funding Group) provide second-stage funding to small charities that have successfully pitched at one of our Connector events. Funding from a Connector Plus event is aimed at enabling a strategic step change in the charity’s work and impact.

This is a TFN member-only event, and the fundraising target is £20,000 per charity. To register your attendance, please email info@thefundingnetwork.org.uk

Who's pitched?



Bags of Taste


Become a Member

The Funding Network is made up of individuals and businesses who want to support social change. Members of TFN can increase their understanding of the social change sector, deepen their engagement with the causes they give to, share their passion for social change, help organisations they already support and increase the impact of their donations.

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28 Commercial Street
E1 6LS
Tel: 07717 524905 Email: info@thefundingnetwork.org.uk

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