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Become a Member

TFN membership is made up of individuals and businesses who want to support social change. Members can increase their understanding of the social change sector, deepen their engagement with the causes they give to, share their passion for social change with like-minded people, help organisations they support and increase the impact of their donations. They support non-profits not only through giving at TFN events, but by offering additional support to help build the capacity of the non-profits they meet. 

Members are at the heart of TFN. They find non-profit organisations that address social issues at their source to drive long term social change, take an active part in our selection process and give to the causes at live crowdfunding events. Members tell us that the biggest benefit is the opportunity to help organisations they are already supporting by introducing them to a community of everyday philanthropists. 

For more information about TFN membership, please contact our infobox (info@thefundingnetwork.org.uk).


Individual Membership

£150 per year

  • Free tickets to all TFN events
  • Nominate non-profits to apply for funding
  • Take part in selection panels
  • Access to special events

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Corporate Membership

Gives trusts, foundations and businesses the chance to support chosen charities, strengthen corporate social responsibility, and attend exclusive events with their clients 

eugenie@thefundingnetwork.org.uk to find out more


Contact Us

Toynbee Hall
28 Commercial Street
E1 6LS
Tel: 07717 524905 Email: info@thefundingnetwork.org.uk

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