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What We Do

TFN is an open network which links potential donors to charitable causes and social entrepreneurs through live crowdfunding. We aim to raise money for small non-profits driving social change and help both individuals and businesses to combine their giving with others, to make a bigger impact. ​


What is live crowdfunding?

Live crowdfunding is raising money together, on the night, for causes the audience believes in. At our live crowdfunding events, you will meet and hear from changemakers with solutions to social issues. Each of them have six minutes to tell you about the change they are making and how you can support them, then you have six minutes to ask them questions. Once that's done, our expert pledge master will take you through the live crowdfunding session. You can give money, time or expertise, everything is appreciated!

Find out more about what to expect at your first TFN crowdfunding event here

Why live crowdfunding?

We believe that giving should be fun, well informed and engaging. Live crowdfunding gives people the unique opportunity to pool their time and resources to support small, non-profit organisations driving change, and to meet the inspiring individuals behind those organisations. Live crowdfunding is about gathering people who are different from each other so that our increasingly siloed lives do not diminish our collective capacity for empathy.

It is our aim to drive social change so that we have healthier, fairer and more sustainable communities. 

Impact & Accounts

Since our inception in 2002, The Funding Network has helped raise over £18 million for over 2,500 non-profits driving social change all over the world. We have funded organisations in the areas of human rights, climate change and the environment, health, education, inclusion and much more.

View a copy of TFN's 2023-24 Accounts

Become a Member

The Funding Network is made up of individuals and businesses who want to support social change. Members of TFN can increase their understanding of the social change sector, deepen their engagement with the causes they give to, share their passion for social change, help organisations they already support and increase the impact of their donations.

Contact Us

Toynbee Hall
28 Commercial Street
E1 6LS
Tel: 07717 524905 Email: info@thefundingnetwork.org.uk

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